Chip II

Tools and Equipment

To build and robot, you need a variety of tools and test equipment.  On this page I will show you some pictures of my tools and give brief descriptions of them.
HP 1630G Logic Analyzer
This is a piece of equipment I could have
only dreamed of having back when I built
Chip II. Of course, back in those days
I didn't know about eBay ;)
This thing will let me actually look at bus
signals on the various boards I construct and
do useful debugging on actual circuits.
JDR 2000 Oscilloscope
This is a 30MHz dual-trace scope.
One day I was looking at a surplus
electronics website and saw it listed for
$125.  My jaw literally hung open, and I
just had to buy it.  It came without a power
cord or probes, but those items were easy
to replace.

Project Sections
Project overview
My tools and equipment
The robot!

Questions? Comments? Write me at