A History of Code

...let us never forget the code of our youth...

While other kids were out running, playing, and the like, I was spending my spare time learning to program computers. I started out on a Laser 128 (Apple IIe clone) and wrote a decent amount of stuff in BASIC. Then I moved on to Pascal, followed by C, then C++. The periods in which I used all these languages overlapped quite a bit, as what I used at home and at school differed quite a bit.

In the summer after 6th grade, I went away to a computer camp. This looked exciting, as I was quite eager to expand my horizons in the field. That summer I learned Pascal, and wound up coding in it quite a bit. The following summer, I learned C and a bit of C++. The languages I actually used, however, varied quite a bit until I finished high school programming classes after 10th grade. Since then, I've mainly stuck to the real-world languages of C and C++.

On this page, I will try to provide source to as many of my old projects I can dig up. I cannot ensure it will all compile/run though, as some of the oddities of the older DOS development environments have probably become broken since I last worked on projects. The compiler used for the Pascal programs was "Borland Turbo Pascal for DOS 7.0". For most of the C/C++ programs, I used "Borland Turbo C++ for DOS 3.0". Anything of mine new enough to have been written in a more popular environment (i.e. xIRCh /w gcc) is most likely not on this page.

Arkadoid [ZIP] A breakout game, which is fairly playable. Unfortunately, it does not keep score, and does not recognize victory.
HelioChopter [ZIP] I was bored one summer, but I had my laptop with me so I started writing this little ditty. It is the begining of a helocopter game.
Tu no hablas espanol! [ZIP] In 10th grade, I was in high school Spanish II. Well, as is not uncommon with messed up highschool classes, there was "mandatory" extra credit work. Well, I summoned my DOS Ccoding abilities from years past and hacked this little ditty out on short order. It is a trivia game, and it pulls it's questions from a rather meager pool provided by the class. It resembles a popular trivia game of the time.
Mutual Assured Destruction [ZIP] Also during 10th grade, this really annoying teacher (not ours, but sort-of in charge) made a declaration that we were not allowed to bring games into class, even though we only played them when done with work. This got really annoying, as that declaration even streched to a friend's personal laptop and not just school machines. I figured a way to get around this. She said we could not "bring in" games from home. She said nothing about writing them in class. :) This is an attempt at writing a game that is a clone of this text-based nuclear war game we played at the begining of the year. What really hampered development after a while, though, was the random missing characters in the source that were caused by the junky Tandy machines we had to work on.
DOSGUI [ZIP] This is perhaps one of the most interesting projects of my early years. Basically, this was my attempt at writing a GUI library in Pascal for DOS. What makes it particularly interesting, is that I worked on it in 7th grade, before I knew anything sbout object-oriented programing, pointers, or anything one might deem a requirement for such an undertaking. This is the most complete version of the source I could dig up, however it isn't the original code base. This source is the remnants of a 9th grade attempt at drastically improving DOSGUI. Therefore, I may have added a few things. This code is probably not in a functional state. A more original version is mixed in with the other files amoung the collection of old pascal programs I have on this page.
The file "dosgui.pas" is the Pascal "unit" file, which basically connects the other source files for the project together. The "dgtest.pas" file is the front-end test program, and anything with "dg" in it is related somehow.
Old Pascal Programs [ZIP] This file is full of tidbits. It has whole programs and code fragments. I wish I had a better copy on hand, because this is where all my really classic stuff is.
The most interesting thing here is a copy of the original DOSGUI. Other interesting tidbits include "tnote.pas", which was a quick but effictive program I wrote to generate Bar Mitzvah thankyou notes. (sorry, but I wasn't going to handwrite 300 cards) There's "tankpro.pas", which is some kind of attempt at a sort-of tank game. You'll also find a few attempts at figuring out Borland's "TurboVision" full-screen text-based UI system. Hopefully, I'll find a better version of this code archive one of these days.


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Questions? Comments? Write me at konigd@rpi.edu